the restaurant
trentino typical cuisine
In our restaurant you can taste typical dishes of the local and alpine cuisine.
Canederli, sliced beef, grilled meat and vegetables, barley Trentino style, polenta with mushrooms and cheese, stew and goulash, potato gnocchi, strangolapreti , roasted or fried potatoes, local cheeses and cold cuts of first quality, fabulous curls of fried onion... and this is only a taste because our menu is rich and varies according to the season and the tastes of our guests.
Our desserts are homemade, with the recipes of the past and the love and the passion we put into our work.
And to complete the overview of our delicacies, there is the list of wines almost exclusively from Trentino and Sud Tyrol, from full-bodied flavor and brilliant color...
And if we have whetted your appetite with all these delicacies, you just have to come and enjoy a pleasant dinner with the good things of Val Rendena.